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۴ مطلب در آذر ۱۴۰۳ ثبت شده است

The home is a mess. PMS shows up its energy in all corners. In unwashed dishes, clothes on the floor, trash bags lined for being taken out. I was thinking that I wish someone could magically come and clean everywhere to get me out of this mess. A wicked witch on its flying broom, knocking my window "Do you need a hand?" And then, all of a sudden, everything is organized and clean in a blink. 

I can't imagine any real human come to my house and help me out. I will be too ashamed. I can almost hear them saying things in my back. "Have you ever been to her house? She's such a mess. I already feel bad about her future husband and kids."

I can remember what my mom snd aunts were saying about one of family's daughters-in-law. "Did you see her bathroom? The stains were clear. She's organized, but not clean. Not at all. Coming from a poor family, it's no wonder to not learn about cleanliness." "No it's not about family. She's just too lazy in my view."  I can't let anyone talk shit in my back like this. 

But then I remembered when I visited one of my friend's home and his home was a total mess too. Way worse than what my home is right now. Did I felt a dislike in my heart for him? No. I still liked him as much. I just felt I've been a bad friend for not understanding the depth of his depression, that had led to him not having energy to clean up as should. I helped him to clean everywhere and I just felt good knowing that he is taken care of. There was no shame pointing. No judgment. No backbiting. 

But I can't see other people like myself. I can be compassionate with others, but can't believe someone's compassion for me. I can't imagine anyone around me, to see me in this mess, and not thinking bad of me. 

But I thought, I know that I need such a person in my life. Someone who takes care of me when I'm not in the mood. I shouldn't be pleased with any less of that. 

  • نورا

I don't know if it's called love or not. To me it's more like a craving. Like when you're addicted to something, and you don't have it. Except that for most addictive substances, you experience it a few times, and then you start wanting more and more. But in case of love, I feel I'm craving it, while I've never had it. To love and be loved, is just an idea, a picture, a promise, in your mind. Maybe even this craving exists, not despite the lack of experience, but due to the lack of experience. Like that creamy cake, with a cherry on top, in the bakery's display. You start thinking how good it will taste, you can almost imagine the sourness of cherry mixed with a soft sweet cream. The craving exists not becausw you've had the cake, but because you've never had one. Cause if you did, you would know it's just some old piece of cake overloaded with sugar and oil, and the cherry has no sourness to it. You start telling your mind about the bad outcomes eating it might have. It can even make you sick. But there still remains a feeling, a voice that no amonut of noise can neutralize it. Something that just says "I want it." You know most cakes in this city don't taste good. But you keep searching, to find your ideal bakery. You think there must be a good one out there, and you just need to come across it. Part of your heart likes to believe in soulcakes. Cakes that are just made to fit your soul, waiting for you, to devour them. And it's only a matter of time, to get ready, to meet your ideal cake. Some people say you shouldn't avoid tasting cakes in other bakeries, even if you have that bad gut feeling, the moment you step in. Cause each cake has a lesson. You think you like sourcherries. But do you really? Maybe after tasting a chocolate cake, you know that actually chocolate is a lot more aligned with your taste buds. Or maybe you can get better at navigating cake shops. I mean, imagine one day you meet that soulcake, you know it is it, but, do you even know how to order a cake, if you've never done it? Some people say you should only sit there, and wait for your cake to come to you. It doesn't mean you should keep going to mexican restaurants, and wait for cakes, no. You should go to a coffee shop, order a double espresso, and sip on your bitter life. Knowing that coffee shops and cake shops are actually working in close proximity. So you're neither actively searching and putting effort and getting disappointed, nor carelessly moving around the city, believing in pure fate. It's more of a strategic, still passive, move. Cause you know cakes are sold in coffee shops too, but are you there for cakes? Nope. You're there for coffee. Something you can never be disappointed about. I mean, most times. Or at least, it won't cause diabetes. And then it's very much possible that one day, a server brings you a cake, without you having asked for it. "Sir, this cake is for you" "Me? Sorry but I hadn't ordered one." "We know sir. But our manager wanted to treat you to a very nice cake. She thought you'll like it." "Oh! That's very nice of her. But, how does she know me? Have we ever met?" The server then smiles and winks and finds her way out to another table. And then you know that cake is your soulcake. It has come to you. Your cake has found you. And you keep coming to that coffee shop every day. "I loved this cake. Do you make them here?" "No sir. We buy them from a bakery in 5th street." "That's so strange. I have been there many times, have never tasted such a good thing." "That's right sir. This is a special cake that is exclusively made for our coffee shop." "Well, that was lovely anyway. Please send my gratitude to your manager." "Of course. But you can thank her by yourself too. If you'd like to." "Oh no. I mean I would love to. But I don't want to take her time." "You're already taking her time" man laughs. "So? You?" "I knew you'll like it." "I'm just confused and surprised. I didn't like it. I loved it. I've been searching my whole life for such a cake." "Well, I know a thing or two about mixing tastes." "That was really amazing. May I invite you over a coffee sometime?" [Both laugh] "I know it's a wierd thing to ask a coffee shop owner. But, may I?" "Well, yeah, why not?" "This is my number. I can't wait to hear back from you." "I won't make you wait. Looking forward to our meeting." "Perfect then. Have a good day. And thanks!" "Take care. Bye!" 

And this is how it goes. This is how you hope it to go. So you go to coffee shops every day. Sipping on your bitter espresso. Craving for a sourcherry cake. Reimagining and remodifying the dialogs for the thousandth time. Your life is bitter. But you hope for it to get sweet one day. You start adding a spoonful of sugar to your cup. Thinking your life doesn't need to be miserable. No one knows how it's going to be. Sometimes you think, maybe some people are made to live with coffees. Maybe not everyone has a cake out there. You start asking for lattes, with cream top, and vanilla syrup. You start accepting coffee shops for what they are. Not for their connection to cake shops. You avoid looking at tables who are enjoying their cake. "Maybe they're just pretending to enjoy it". The life goes on anyway. With a latte in hand, and a craving for cake in heart.

  • نورا
After a long time, maybe for the first time in my life, I feel good about myself. I feel I'm enough. I care the least about what other people might think of me. I mean, what can they say? That I'm what? Cruel, jealous, liar, unloyal, dumb, inconsiderate? Cause I'm none of that. And not so many people have such a big heart, as I do. I'm also very smart and funny. Not so many people can assemble furniture without guide! I have a beautiful smile, large eyes, and I'm really tall. Am I going to be alone on Christmas night? Maybe yes. But am I lonely? Not at all. Do I wish my life had been different? I don't think so. It's a shame if I wish so. And I have a feeling, that even more good things are going to happen to me. And I won't let anyone to bring me down. The way I cherish my being, and the fact that God has given me such blessings, I won't settle for anyone seeing them less than I do. That's my goal. That's my way of thanking God. Cause when he says, "we've given you eyes, ears and heart, but few of you are grateful"; I feel I haven't been grateful when I saw, listened, felt; and ignored. I'm not going to ignore what I feel anymore. Maybe I should've known it earlier, but it's not late, to feel good about myself. To feel I'm good enough. To not wait for my mom to accept of me, or my boss to praise me, or a man to spoil me with love. I know I'm good enough and I'm not desperate to hear it from someone else anymore. I know I'm good. Really good. If not fantastic!
  • نورا

داشتم "نیمه‌شب در پاریس" را می‌دیدم. گاهی فکر می‌کنم فیلم‌هایی که برای دیگران معمولی‌اند در نظرم فوق‌العاده جلوه می‌کند. منظورم این است اگر از کسی بپرسی بهترین فیلمی که دیده را معرفی کند، احتمالاً کسی نمی‌گوید نیمه‌شب در پاریس. ولی واقعاً به بهترین‌های لیستم اضافه شد. چیزی که همیشه پس ذهنم می‌ماند، و از حسرت گذشته و رخوت حال بیرون می‌کشد.

این روزها حس می‌کنم یک عقابم که تازه فهمیده جوجه اردک است. حس می‌کنم کلاغی‌ام که تازه فهمیده ادای راه رفتن کبک را در می‌آورده. مثل اینکه همیشه از روی شانس امتحان‌های تستی را ۲۰ بگیری، و یک روز که شانس یارت نباشد، تازه بفهمی چند مرده حلاجی. صفر. 

زیادی خسته‌ام. زیادی بی‌خیالم. انگار هیچ چیز نیست دست مرا بگیرد و بکشد و قانعم کند که تلاش بیشتر قرار است نتیجه بهتری به بار دهد. حس نمی‌کنم نتایج تحقیقاتم برای کسی اهمیت داشته باشد یا دردی را از کسی دوا کند. هربار خرید می‌روم می‌گویم عزیزم تلاش کن، که پولدار شوی، و بتوانی هرچه دلت خواست بخری. بدون اینکه به قیمت چیزها نگاه کنی و کنار بگذاری. این در حال حاضر انگیزه‌ام است! 

چند وقت پیش یک توییت می‌خواندم که یکی نوشته بود دسته گل یا باکس گل؟ بعد کلی خانم زیرش کامنت گذاشته بودند که ما به یک شاخه گل هم راضی‌ایم. من درکشان نمی‌کنم. به یک شاخه گل راضی نیستم. حتی دسته گل هم به تنهایی خوشحالم نمی‌کند اگر همراه یک کادوی دیگر نباشد. چون من برای عزیزترین‌هایم طوری کادو می‌خرم که می‌ترسند من ورشکست شوم؛ و برای من دوست داشتن این شکلی است. این شکلی که حاضری ورشکست شوی ولی بهترین هدیه را بخری. مگر همه‌ی ما آن داستان ادبیات فارسی را نخوانده بودیم که زنی موهایش را فروخته بود که برای همسرش بند ساعت بخرد، و همسرش ساعتش را فروخته بود که برای زنش گیره‌ی مو بخرد؟ مگر هدیه معنی‌اش این نبود؟ چرا به یک شاخه گل راضی شدیم؟ و چرا دروغ بگویم که دنبال مادیات نیستم؟ من عاشق کادوهای گران قیمتم و برایم مهم نیست دیگران چه بگویند. لذا از فکر اینکه یک روز ثروتمند باشم انگیزه می‌گیرم.

داشتم می‌گفتم. صفر مرده حلاجم. باید دوباره پله‌ها را بپیمایم. به تنهایی. بدون کمکی. وقتی با یک تکه چوب کوهی را بالا می‌روی، نمی‌توانی بفهمی چقدرش را پاهایت آمده و چقدرش را کمک چوبدستی. بعد اگر یکجا چوبدستی‌ات بشکند، می‌خواهی چه کنی؟ می‌خواهم تنهایی قله‌ها را فتح کنم. ولی فعلاً از یک تپه هم نمی‌توانم بالا بروم. و همینکه این تپه را فتح کنم دستاورد بزرگی است. مطمئنم که دستاورد خودم بوده. تپه‌ای بوده که خودم خواسته‌ام بالا بروم. و وقتی به بالا برسم، مطمئنم می‌توانم حداقل یک تپه‌ی مشابه دیگر را بالا بروم. در شک و تردید نسبت به توانایی‌ام باقی نمی‌مانم.

دیده‌اید خارجی‌ها هی به الکل پناه می‌برند؟ من هم این روزها دلستر پناهم است :)) پنج‌تای دیگر ذخیره دارم و امیدوارم مرا به این جلسه‌ی سالانه برساند و عبور دهد. فردا باید جدی جدی به کتابخانه بروم و این اسلایدها را تمام کنم. شاید یک نیمه‌شب در پاریس کسی از آینده به دیدارم بیاید و از یافتنم شگفت‌زده شود.

  • نورا
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